Well, I just launched my latest game "Blast Magus" and it'll probably be my last flash game. Might even be my last game - I haven't been working on anything for a long time, really. Unity has been fun to play around with, though, so maybe I'll do something in there. I definately won't be doing anything profit-seeking at this point, though, so maybe I can just have some fun and not really think too hard about it.
EDIT: How do I make the fancy link?
A lot of my motivation in the past came from an emptying bank account, and now that I don't have some fear like that driving me to finish something, I'm not sure what exactly will get me motivated, haha. I've been spending a lot of time drawing lately and I'm thinking it might be nice to go find some company to work for. I really like having a regular paycheck, and it's nice to come home after work and just forget about work completely. I was never able to do that before when I was supposrting myself with flash games. I always felt the clock ticking down on me.
Anyway, not trying to be depressing, but if someone is reading this in the distant future trying to figure out what happened to me, I'm probably just relaxing on a couch somewhere, not worrying about what project I'm going to make next, haha. I guess we'll see what happens.