Reply to this post with the most creative use for a hammer you can think of, and I'll rate your creativity from 1 to 10. Multiple replies are expected and encouraged.
Also, go buy Waterflame's new CD!!!!
EDIT: A lot of responses are using a hammer as a hammer is already used. No matter how imaginative your story is, using a hammer to pound things in or leaver things out isn't a creative use of a hammer. The point of the exercise is to think like the inventors of the Frisbee and the Bean Bag Chair. Just thinking of a new use for something can bring fame and fortune!
EDIT 2: Ok I'm going to bed! :D I'll answer any new ideas tomorrow.
you could dress em up and use them as dolls or action figures. :D
Kajenx (Updated )
Eh, I'll give it a 5-6. It's original, but I dunno if a hammer doll would be all that fun, lol.