Lucas Paakh @Kajenx

Age 36, Male


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What do you look for in a good RPG?

Posted by Kajenx - October 26th, 2008

Alright, I'm starting work on an RPG and I'd like to get opinions on what people look for in a good RPG. What kinds of battle systems do you like? Is an epic main story or side quests more important. Do you like big boss battles or more free range epic maps to explore?

The battle system I'm working on is heavily influenced by some of my favorite game from the SNES, like Chrono Trigger and Secret of Evermore (even though those are pretty different lol). It'll probably be more action oriented like SoE than turn based, but I'd like to see some opinions on this.

EDIT: Most of you said you want a good combat system, but what do you like better, action oriented, or turn based with menus?


Cock jokes.

Seriously, if the main story is long enough, and has enough quests in it, you dont really need a lot of side quests. Not saying it should be devoid of them entirely, but the side quests should definitely have you reep rewards that are either rare, or unable to get in any other way.

As for the story, I say go for what you want, everyone loves an epic rpg, thats what most of them are, but honestly I've played a few that were pretty funny as well, and I had a ton of fun playing them and the game seemed to pass by in no time at all, even though I spent countless hours playing them.

A good storyline for one, something that keeps you interested.

yes a good main storyline is the key and using those games from snes would be an awesome reference

Development and choices are 2 of the most important things (different classes). Free range, epic maps with big bosses scattered about. A decent main story with lots of sidequests.

Or screw it all and make it like Shadow of the Colossus. That would be awesome.

Customizability, Non-Linear Storyline and Game play and NOT BEING JAPANESE!

yes, i wouldnt mind an action based rpg. The problem with those is that they generally have less options and are far harder to do well. If you believe you can pull it off, then it would be very welcome.

I personally perfer large maps to explore, and many quests to do. The quests dont even have to be too complex, they could just be "Get this message to that guy" or something similar.

Personaly, the great thing about side-quests is that they're completely non-linear; they give the player options about what to do.

Role Playing ;D

something unique, original...... that would make the game stick out..

Story, graphics, good moves, good menu.

I look for a character customization as well as classes.

I look for a large assortment of characters that make your stats vary. A massive collection of weapons and monsters of all kinds. Basically, make so much of one thing (such as monsters, people, weapons, etc...) until your hand falls off. Customization is a large part that I look for. Such as hair, clothing, <Insert something else here>, etc.. Besides all of that, a great fighting sequence. No, turn by turn sequencs.

multie player and quests!

Full controll, customization, and a good battle system that the stupidest of people can figure out.

why should i tell yuo???? ?


Simple customizing, good story, unrepeatative gameplay, fun side quests and interesting skills.

Thats what I look for in RPG's, a good story with side quests that make good breaks in the plot. It's all-important that players are kept interested.

it needs to be really long...and its should have a great combat system...awesome attack animations...and probibly the ability to dodge enemy attacks a will but still hard to dodge...

Only strategy RPG's are good. A good orchestral soundtrack is a plus.


Action orientated battle system

Non-lazy puzzles that rely on the skills of the characters rather than pushing a few switches in the right order

Good, likeable characters

Exciting, well-paced story

Big-ass boss battles that require strategy, not levelling up

I like when you have more than just the same old classes: Ranged class, magic class, warrior class. That gets boring really fast. A skill tree with something other than just "+3% bonus to blah blah skill" Would be nice to. Side quests are essential for a good rpg, take fable for example, take final fantasy tactics for example, take the second final fantasy for example, its all quite needed for a good rpg.

An important thing in any media is to hold the viewer/player's interest. Especially when it comes to the internet where a lot of us have short attention spans.

Yeah, the story I have planned is pretty fast paced so far. The problem with most of the flash RPGs I've seen so far is that they're too slow.

Atmosphere is always helpful. That and some combat that reuires skill. (Ex: Paper mario, legend of Dragoon)

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