Alright, I'm starting work on an RPG and I'd like to get opinions on what people look for in a good RPG. What kinds of battle systems do you like? Is an epic main story or side quests more important. Do you like big boss battles or more free range epic maps to explore?
The battle system I'm working on is heavily influenced by some of my favorite game from the SNES, like Chrono Trigger and Secret of Evermore (even though those are pretty different lol). It'll probably be more action oriented like SoE than turn based, but I'd like to see some opinions on this.
EDIT: Most of you said you want a good combat system, but what do you like better, action oriented, or turn based with menus?
Cock jokes.
Seriously, if the main story is long enough, and has enough quests in it, you dont really need a lot of side quests. Not saying it should be devoid of them entirely, but the side quests should definitely have you reep rewards that are either rare, or unable to get in any other way.
As for the story, I say go for what you want, everyone loves an epic rpg, thats what most of them are, but honestly I've played a few that were pretty funny as well, and I had a ton of fun playing them and the game seemed to pass by in no time at all, even though I spent countless hours playing them.