Did you notice how much do we write a lol or a rofl or a rolfcopter,roflmao... and we never even smile.
Age 36, Male
Behind you.
Joined on 12/1/06
Did you notice how much do we write a lol or a rofl or a rolfcopter,roflmao... and we never even smile.
I usually laugh when I type LOL.
I found a gay person in a magazine. He was easy to spot b/c he was the only male in the whole think and he was wearing a sweater vest and sandals.
It's like "Where's Waldo?" It's fun.
ooohhh... science. That should win the religious people over... :3
I watched the whole cartoon. had its ups and downs. it was ok I guess. no real message
are you gay?
8------B heres a dick now suck it.
Even after these facts become well-known and accepted, chances are the right-wingers will still say that it's the gays' choice not to get a sex change and become hetero. >_>
Problem solved? That video basically said the problem was unsolvable.
Seeing some of the comments on this video almost ruined my happiness for my country for today, what with the black president in the oval office. I could not agree more with you and this video, it is long past time we recognize gays as a part of our culture and end this horrifying and radical push for what is essentially the segregation and Jim Crow-type of ideology we fought so hard to defeat. Do we really need ANOTHER march on Washington for homosexual rights? It should just be given that they are given equal rights, but if it means making yet another amendment to the constitution to guarantee their freedom, you can bet i'd be right at their side. And seriously, do some of you even think about your arguments? The dogma of hatred these people spew out, this, this dogma that has been spoon fed to them since birth sickens me beyond comprehension. Is it really possible to express such stupidity and hatred twoards another human being?
Yes, lets get rid of all those "damn homo's" because we are in such a horrible danger of not having enough people on the planet.
The REAL problem here is letting blacks and whites get married.
Or wait, maybe letting Christians and Jews get married is worse......
Let's try to take basic rights away from one group at a time here, America.
*sigh* Everyone misses the bigger picture. It really honestly doesn't matter if it's choice or birthright. You can argue the possible semantic ramifications that might later be used to create new laws or enforce current laws, however, it is already completely obvious that even without the science that is going on to prove such a thing, we are already becoming more tolerant (and dare I say accepting) of ALL lifestyles. The real issue is the extreme examples of behavior coming from fringe groups (I say fringe because if the 2-5 percent ratio is correct that identifies it as fringe) and being forced upon us. I argue that things like gay pride parades where people walk around nude and behave almost explicitly or all the way explicitly where gay parents take there children to "instill pride" should absolutely stop. I cannot hold a straight pride parade and perfom oral sex or walk around naked. We would all be arrested. It is absolutely time for people who expect to be treated the same to start acting the same. If one gay man gets beaten to a pulp and ends up in a hospital it is automatically a hate crime and national news worthy. If a guy shows up at a party in my town and hes from the neighboring town and gets beat to a pulp and ends up in the hospital because of that, there is no news, no one rushes to his aid. No one champions his cause. If you want to be treated the same, start fitting in, that's how the world works. If you refuse to fit in, thats fine, it's your right (one of those things that make me proud to live in my country) but do not expect ot be treated the same. That is so universal, it's almost a law of nature. And that is also observable in nature. Mmm, that was awfully wordy. :)
I agree with you about hate crimes and pride parades. I'll also agree that tolerance has been increasing.
However, basic human rights say that if the government is going to give special treatment to one lifestyle, they should treat all other lifestyles with the same respect and consideration. Issues aren't black and white, and your mentality of fit in or leave is not what America was founded on (I don't know where you live...). America was founded on freedom, diversity, and equality (and a bunch of rich white guys who didn't want to pay their taxes).
wow, this post of yours has gotten A LOT of attention in a short time, lol. <-- i didn't smile when i typed that.
that video is awesome. people that hate gay people for being gay are close-minded, ignorant douche bags. and theyre stupid. and smelly
LOL (I chuckled audibly), donkeys are smelly too, you know.
This is a topic that has Irked me for some time. Religions always have views, and Christianity dislikes gays. Believe it or not, I've seen gay Christians. Homosexuality can be a choice, and I have no doubt that It could also be genetic. And besides, I'll probably get flames for this, but everyone is gay to SOME extent. I mean gay means liking the same sex right? I'm sure guy here have guy friends, which makes that a form of homosexuality, even if its not sexual. People stereotype and discriminate gays for being themselves. Anyone who says gays have a choice in who they love has obviously never been in love before, even if they think they have. People are people, no matter what they decide to do or what religion they decide to follow. I, for one, am atheist, while my family are Christians. My family doesn't support gays, yet I do. I think homophobia is something people will have to live with. Even after the Bill of Civil Rights, we still have racists and prejudice. It hasn't changes, and never will. People will believe what they want to believe.
Shit, if you legalize gay marriage, the muslims won't care if it's choice or not, they'll want polygamy, then you'll have wierd fucks wanting to legalize incest marriages. It doesn't matter if its choice or not by letting gay people marry, and denying people like muslims to practice polygamy is also "racist". This country has a set of values based on the Catholic Bible. I am an athiest but I say you have to draw the god damn line somewhere.
Why don't they get rid of heterosexual marriage then? Personally, I think marriage should be eradicated from the political scene. Whatever happened to separation of church and state? Our country needs to lift it's head out of its obsession with biblical morals and realize that there are better ways to contemplate morality than the iron will of the bible. Each religion can celebrate marriage any way they want, and the government will treat everyone as equal.
The truth is, marriage doesn't have anything to do with religion in a political sense. It basically organizes finances, gives tax benefits, and grants visitation rights for two people who live together. The fact that gay couples are denied these rights is purely a product of religious sentiment.
The problem with polygamy is that there are often abuses involved. You're thinking of Mormons, by the way. While I have little experience in this area, I believe if people are in a loving and consenting relationship, they should be allowed to do what they want. Often polygamy has been shown to advocate arranged marriages involving under aged girls, and this is a breach of basic human rights.
Incest is a problem because offspring of such a union often have birth defects.
lol political debates on newgrounds
: 3
i dont have a problem with gay pepole at all
you know, whats the big deal if they like it they do it.
i can understand that you dont like to have a dick in your butt
but you dont have to do it right, theire pepole just like everybody else here
they just like the same gender.
Firsty, I didn't know about that whole later = higher chance of being gay. Also before I speak I'm englsh and don't no shit about america's rules. I agree with godyousuck in a sense it annoys me when some gay guy (or black, lesbian, muslim,ect) het attacked it instantly become hate crime they don't ever think maybe he/she attacked a guy and lost or was attacked because he/she wound someone up and got attacked for that. I know some are actual gay/racist attacks but not all are, if a gay person attack a straight man would it be reported as a crime against straight people? No it would'nt it would be a normal attack with no sexuality taken into account. In england if a coloured man attacks a white man its just another assault but vise-versa and guess what yep RACIST ATTACK! and it all comes down to one thing: MINORITIES. and thats all there is to it and it pisses me of, if you are gay than that's fine (also just so you know I'm not against gay people but I myself would never divulge) but why cry and say it was a gay hate crime? also on the case of parades when did anyone last see a 'Hetro-pride' parade? Never thats when, ok it would have no attendence because hetro is considered the norm but thats not the point and again it's down to minorities, because if they don't allow these parades well they gonna have a riot on their hands and marches for gay rights... Hetro-rights riot much? another thing is that letting gay people get married is no problem but why should they be able to marry in a church where it is against their beliefs to be gay? why would they want to? I'm not very religious but I'm a catholic by parents and I know the bible pretty well from R.E but I'm very open-minded on things like this and I understand the whole 'love hy neighbour' and the whole 'treat others as you would be treated' but the actual bible is against gay marrige as it talks about marrige as a sanctity between a man and a woman. I agree they should be allowed to marry LEGALLY but not RELIGIOUSLY as it is no longer a sanctity between a man and a woman. Legal marrige means you have a kin, money is diversed properly and they get all the benefits of a normal hetro marrige so why would they want to married ina church, think, they need to be catholic to marry in a catholic church but if they are such avid christian that they want to marry in a chuch shouldn't they respect the bible's laws and say ok and get over it. I know the idea of getting married in a church these days is just to have a spectacular wedding but by they are supposed to be practised christian. I believe that in some cases being gay is geneic but sometimes it can be a number of things E.g- Isn't a girl more likely to be a lesbian if they are in an all-girls school with no male contact that is enviroment not genetics or even my college for example there's quite alot of gay/bisexuals now that could affect someone who didn't even think about being gay before you could call this 'peer homosexuality' or the like but hey are still considered gay. So alhough I do agree it's possible for it to be genetic it can happen a number of ways just my veiw on the subject.
Also reply i wrote a pretty long message for you lol also I'm just wondering are you gay yourself or just open-minded. JEEZ if I was a homophobe I wouldn't survive my college as it's becoming acceptable for Hetro people to do things that would, in earlier times, label you as gay. not that this bothers me it's just freindly banter after HELL even gay people do it and I just joke with them about it E.g- hugging(lol a good greeting), touch people asses and even kissing them but I know they're just playing around so that's my opinion and I will look forward to your reply
LOL I was tempted to TL/DR, but I made it most of the way through.
The gay marriage issue isn't about getting married in a church, it's about legal marriage.
However, there's nothing in the bible about gay marriage. In fact, the only place homosexuality is mentioned in the bible is in the book of Leviticus. It says a man who lies with another man like a woman has committed an abomination and should be put to death. Granted, this is pretty specific, but it's hard to take Leviticus seriously, because it also says eating shellfish (among other ridiculous things) is an abomination punishable by death.
The style reminds me of Captain Capitalism guy.
Thats great! I always love it when Christian-conservitive homophobes get their crap thrown right back in their faces.
And I didnt know that about the male fetuses. It makes sense though.
i got confused during the video.
im guessing the problem is we're not beating enough left handed people?