Even though I'm agnostic, and really have no problem with homosexuality, or gay marriage, I still think people being born gay is a load of bullshit. I'm not saying I think people just wake up one morning and decide their sexuality manually; but I do agree that it's a conditioned effect put into place by many developmental variables in a person's upbringing. It's no different than a foot fetish, which I have, and can trace it back to most women in my family walking around barefoot all the time and many other factors. No man knows what a dick is, or who Cher is in the womb.
Saying it's biological is a lazy man's excuse that just sounds intellectual. Like a fetish or a favorite food, or any other conditioned effect, depending on what the person wants and strives toward with the right steps, yes it is reversible. If you're gay, and that's what you want, then do it to it. But if somebody's attracted to the same sex but really wants badly to do it the traditional way, don't tell them it's impossible. You're just as bad as the churches when you do that.
All that reading the comments on this has done is reinforce my belief that 95% of people (mostly middle-class white Americans) are stupid. I hate to be so blunt, but that's really the best way to describe it; Stupid.
Someone earlier was complaining how gay parents adopting will lead to gay children, and so on and so forth and that the human race would cease to be. First off saying that someone will become gay because they are around people who are gay (whether it be their parents, co-workers or friends) is just like saying hanging out with tall people will make you tall. Secondly saying that gay parent shouldn't be able to adopt is something that just really rubs me the wrong way. In no way do I think a child is better off in an over-crowded adoption agency rather than in a loving home with caring parents.
Thirdly; and this is a rather morbid point, but in case you guys haven't noticed the Earth is facing a frightening over-population crisis. Like...really guys. The last thing we need is more babies being made right now.
But anyways, the video was nice. I enjoyed it and it was well-animated.