EDIT: Now that I've calmed down a bit, I'd like to preface this with a RANT WARNING, lol. I'm still mad, but in more of a smoldering sort of way, and I'll begrudgingly admit that the new tween tool is a real improvement (but look, they left the classic tween option in there! What a concept!). But that's all you get, Adobe! Better tweens don't make up for burning my soul with your hellfire of evil! Okay, now read on. :3
Well, I was hoping I would be able to recall my hatred for Adobe as a company with this new release of Flash, but instead they've destroyed any hope of reconciliation.
I'll keep this short and sweet.
First of all, WHAT THE HELL were they thinking in making such a huge change to the properties window without offering the option to revert back to the old style? I work on a tiny 12" tablet PC, I don't have room for a monstrous properties window. It was just fine on the bottom of the screen. Now I have to leave it floating around if I want any hope of seeing a stage that's bigger than a postage stamp.
EDIT: And no, I'm not going to stick it into its button format. You try that with your properties menu and see how annoying it is to open it every 2 seconds just to see the name of a frame or change the color of something.
Next, they decided to turn the stage into a flash movie that's ALWAYS RUNNING, and there's no option to turn it off. Who came up with this profoundly stupid idea? If I want to see how my movie looks, I'll test it. If this "feature" ran smoothly I wouldn't mind, but there's always lag.
The sad thing is, aside from adding some eye candy, like 3D effects, Flash CS4 is nothing new. I bought it because I wanted to use the new vector class in AS3, but it seems like I have to sacrifice usability to do this.
Here's an idea, Adobe, why don't you fix your buggy/laggy interfaces, craptacular scripting tools, and make some significant improvements in the drawing tools, rather than slapping a few new eye candy features onto Flash 8 every few years.
I had high hopes for CS4, but instead of delivering, Adobe decided to kick me in the balls and laugh.
P.S. If you know of any way to fix the problems I'm having, I would really appreciate it.
Some of the reasons I hate adobe