Lucas Paakh @Kajenx

Age 36, Male


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New Game in the Works Needs Testing

Posted by Kajenx - March 28th, 2008

I'm working on a sequel to Shen Long and I need some feedback: CLICK TO PLAY

Move with the mouse and use your tail to bat the enemies away from the tree. When they turn white, then allow them to go into the tree. The red ones will damage the tree and the white ones will heal it.

Basically I need to know the following:
-Are the controls good? (I got a lot of complaints last time)
-What framerate are you running at? (the number in the top right)
-What would you add? (Powerups, enemies, collectables)


never tested a game before, will do :P

1, Yeah, I think the controls are ok.

2. Running at a constant 16 FPS

3. It needs music, sound effects, maybe a temporary shield powerup or one that turns all enemies on the screen white.

Oh yeah one more thing, the enemies have to be faster and numerous, because I found it a bit easy.

Yeah, it's only running at about 1/2 speed for you. I'll have to work on that; the blurred trail is a total hog...

I Played Only For Awhile, As it is it's a bit repetitive

1.Controls worked fine, i could weave quite easily in between whites to smack reds and barely ever hit whites
2.I was running at 18-19fps
3.Well i don't know what i would add, you'd probably be more creative with power ups than me, but something nice would be that you could hold a button to retract your trail and maneuver more easily, though that may make the game alot easier too

1. yer, nice and simple

2. 30

3. Herm, start off with a small tail and add in rare power ups, that can either give you special power or grow your tail, special powers should have a special key like space bar to use it, one might be freeze so only you move until the timer reaches 0, another could be destroy all reds, and if you get another power up it releases your previous, so you can use slowmotion and all. Also there should be levels a score, music sound effects, enchanted graphics. Main menu im shoure you will add in :) and maybe more in the tree, it starts of in evelution maybe 15 and the highest could be 50? or maybe 30? and that should show the amount of evelutions the tree is up to atm. Lol i just thought of a power up where the bird shoots somthing like a fire spark or somthing to shoot enemys from afare, lol. In each level the backround should change and maybe it could go through seasons like spring, winter, summer and all, and of cours a pause, maybe there was a pause, i dunno, i didnt see any instructions, XD. Also i find it addicting already without any special effects so thats a good sign :)

sorry for the long paragraph, but i just really want this game to be great :P

why am i the only one who went at 30 fps?

1. For this type of game I think the controls are as good as they are going to get (although i kind of wish the tail reacted more realisticly)
2. My frame rate was about 17 - 20 fps
3 Uhm what waould I add... A) make the little things you are batting away look nicer(the phenoix looks very nice btw) B) Make it so that the phenoix never flys upside down because that just looks dumb (make it so that its always rightside up) C) obviosly add everything else a game needs music, sound effects, menu but most of all add challenge this game had none. D) Possible power ups Longer tail, a "bomb" (destroys all red or turns them all white)

Anyways nice game :D

nice controls
my framerates 26
id like music maybe have a small tail in the begining powerups to grow your tail maybe one to only make your tail hit red ones and more enemies

damn i must have a good computer if im the only one at 30 fps :)

Yeah, me too o_0. I'll have to cut back on the special effects...

running at 25 fps. i thought it was really fun. controls were nice. i would add maybe a particle explosion when you hit an enemy.

controls are great once you get used to making the bird turn really hard so his tail will whip out
i run at about 17 fps usually
when you right click and click "back" then the game become a lot harder and your little sparkle things stop dissapearing

hi, my framerate was 22.
the controls were unusual, but smooth and not difficult.
i would start with a short tail and when the phoenix kills enemys or picks up powerups it would grow (just like in snake).
and maybe the speed of the enemies could change after a while (and you can pick up powerups to slow them down for a short time)

no no, in the pause menu make an enchanted graphics icon so that if you do have a good computer you click the box for special effects :P

running on 18fps.
a def need some music or sounds
controls are smooth.

ok didnt know what to do at frist but ok work harder on it how far from finised

Hey, look! we have the same kanji! DO

framerate of 10/11 ps
controls are good,
an storyline, different kind of enemies, powerups like unendind tail for (enter number) seconds, instand heal your tree for (enter number) healt points, indeed as said before me, the option to get a longer tail (start whit short end whit realy REALY long), boss fights, music, sound effects, special power (like a wave attack that turns evry orange unit in the screen withe), debuffs, (same like special power but turns them back to orange, and that is all i can think about right now.

that was verry good.
i did like the controlls (how could you not??)

i was running at pretty much constant 15 with a few drops to 12 and 13

you definatley need some sort of purpose for protecting this tree, and an explination of what the blob/spirits are.

you could have a 'deflect all blobs' power up, or fire jets that turn reds into whites.
anyway good game.

1) The controls are fine.

2) Playing on my computer at work (i.e. a really bad computer with mediocre internet connection) I had a framerate of 10~12 fps.

3) I can't say anything for sound since I don't have any here. More diverse enemies would be nice, like enemies that don't just rush for the tree in a straight line. Maybe some of them could teleport around or something, or at least zigzag a little. Also, there should be more enemies. Lots more. I'm not really sure what kind of power-ups would work for a game like this. Maybe the kind that increase speed/tail-length/power (if there were enemies that need to be hit more than once).

It seemed that from no matter what direction I hit those ghost things from, they would just go the opposite direction of the tree. The enemies aren't very smart and will just move in a strait line ,which makes it very easy (boring). Also the tree doesn't look like its worth protecting.

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