Lucas Paakh @Kajenx

Age 36, Male


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Joined on 12/1/06

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Some of the reasons I hate adobe

why does your properties window have to be 'floating around'? you do know you can put everything in icon-size toolbars and call it up whenever you like, right?

also, i don't know what you mean when you say the stage has turned into a flash movie that's always running, it works just the same for me.

this is same old shit people were complaining about in cs3. if anyone would take the time to actually go over the new features and learn how to utilize the program properly you'd learn how to appreciate it.

cs4 is a HUGE improvement from cs3. i suppose it will just take everyone a good year or two to actually figure that out.

I don't want to open the properties window every time I need to use it. For a color menu or something, that's fine, but for something as essential as the properties inspector, which I look at every few seconds when working on the stage, it's not an option, and docking it anywhere takes up a huge amount of space.

Secondly, there's a new runtime feature built into the stage where it runs as a flash player. On a computer with lots of memory this probably isn't a problem, but for me it is (along with people on a few threads who seem to have the same problem).

Every review I've read about CS4 seems to be singing it's praises, so I think this proverbial "everyone" you're talking about already assumes it's a huge improvement. But honestly, there's nothing new you can do in CS4 besides a few graphic tricks, and as someone who spends more time in the AS window than on the stage, I feel like I was ripped off.

Okay I've not worked in flash with my tablet for some time (thus not drawing therefore not caring about properties) BUT isn't pressing F4 still an universal stuff remover so that you only see the stage and the timeline?

I figure that CS4 is an improvement you guys just need to see it. (also damn it is expensive!)

It's a matter of principal. They removed functionality rather than adding it. I don't call that an upgrade.

Lag is normally due to your computer rather than the program. If you don't want lag, get rid of your crappy PC.

I understand about a big properties window though. you can put everything in icon-size toolbars and call it up whenever you like. It's common sense.

I don't know what you mean when you say the stage has turned into a flash movie that's always running.

Besides those small things you mentioned, I can't really say anything based upon what you said because...well, they don't SOUND like the programs fault.
maybe if you went over the program a little more, maybe I can make an assumption on it. For now, there's no way for me of knowing.

See my response to rtil.

You can set the layout to classic in the window presets.

The only "classic" setting I've seen still forces me to use a vertical properties window. Can you point me to what you mean?

O.o! Crap, i already got a CS4 but i haven't tired it yet.

If CS4 sucks, what other progran would you recommend for animating?

As long as you have a fast computer and a big screen you're fine. If you don't, then you're screwed, like me...

@ Zackie

Toon Boom studio or Toon Boom Animate. They are expensive programs but it's worth it.

vaginas lol


or get a better computer. CS4 dosent lag for me. Though I do agree with the properties.

Yeah, I know what you mean. That was look amazing, but it's really-really sucks in many ways. For now I just waiting for CS5. ^.~

I havn't had a play round with it yet, but there are lot of cool new animation features which i really wanna have a fidle with. Flash has always changed, you'll get use to it, i hated learning to reuse flash 8 not to long ago but now i love it. It'l just take some getting use to, and before long you'll see that this flash really kicks ass. If you don't like it dwindle with flash 8. I'm asuming you bought it? otherwise you have no reason to complain lol. but yeah you'll get use to it =) enjoy

I've used every version of flash after MX. Flash 8 was the best. It was also the last Macromedia flash. RIP Macromedia...

Should I buy it if I don't have a version of flash yet, or should I try and find an old version of CS3?

Both Adobe Flash releases basically ruined Flash.
I still use Macromedia Flash 8. That one and Pro 2004 are my favorites.

flash cs4 is inmature needed to devolp

I tried it for about 5 minutes and gave up too, mostly because the properties window was bugging me too (and I'm on 20" so cant blame monitor size).

After watching this though: <a href="http://www.gotoandlearn.com/play?id=87">http://www.gotoandlearn.com/play?id=8 7</a>, I'm tempted to go back and try to get used to it. The tween control looks pretty tight.

I agree.
I COULD get cs3 or cs4 if I wanted to but ever since Adobe took over flash it became a huge load of $h*t.
thats why I use good old flash 8 pro, and its neer failed me.
In my opinion, adobe should stick with Macromedias original plan:
Simple + Easy = Awsome!

<a href="http://dearadobe.com/">http://dearadobe.com/</a>

That website made me angry, because most of it's true... They shouldn't focus on stability for CS5, though, they should offer a free patch to early adopters with all of the fixes.

Better than having a 6 year laptop, ancient ass flash and audiocity. Basically just enough to want to jump out a window.

Pirated it. Didn't like it. Uninstalled it. At least download the trial before shelling out the 600$ or so on the program and realizing an hour into it that you don't need anything in it/hate it a lot. CS3 is perfect in my opinion, and that was a legitimate improvement from Flash 8.

I only spent $100 on an upgrade. So not a total loss...

I won't be upgrading from MX anytime soon, and why couldn't Adobe leave Macromedia alone. (Corel > Adobe)

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