Xelaron, the reason why everyone is upset is because we remember our childhood growing up with Disney movies and its upsetting to see 101 Dalmations and Lady and the Tramp upstaged by tiny annoying "real" dogs that rap. After all, those movies were rich in storyline and actual effort and, well, an actual moral for the children, this movie will rot their little brains. So, sure, we aren't the target audiance, but, like all old people, we feel that these young kids need better entretainment. And though that may sound lame, I absolutly believe it to be true.
For me, Disney has one last chance to prove us all wrong. The Princess and the Frog is going to be a 2D animation film by them (check wiki for details) and if it has an actual point (for one, they are putting the first black princess which I approve of) I will keep the faith.
But yes, PotC was good! Maybe we are all just overreacting :)
After that, i just don't know what to do.